Antecedents of Online Word-of-Mouth and Memorable Experience Concept


  • Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo Tallinn University of Technology
  • Anu Leppiman Tallinn University of Technology



Gratitude, memorable brand experience, online word-of-mouth (WOM), reciprocity, value co-creation.


This study aims to examine the antecedents of brand-related online word-of-mouth (WOM) communication from the memorable experience concept perspective. This paper considers the factors that are behind the willingness to participate in brand-consumer interaction when passing on messages, generating content, and sharing online communication. The study is built on complementary sources of information, employing a mixed methods approach. The results show that sharing and generating positive online communication involves reciprocal patterns, while a memorable experience, good brand experience, and interaction in value co-creation drive willingness to help the brand. The gratitude-related reciprocal online behaviour is a “virtual praise”. The findings provide insight into how meaningful experience, interaction in value co-creation, and reciprocity, which are the key concepts of experience marketing, cause and have an impact on sharing online communication. From a theoretical viewpoint, this study offers insights into the links between constructs of meaningful experience concepts and brand-related online communication. Understanding the experiential aspects of consumers' online behaviour, such as willingness to co-create value together with brands, offers an implication for marketing management.

Author Biographies

  • Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo, Tallinn University of Technology
    Ph.D. Cand., lecturer at the Tallinn University of Technology in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • Anu Leppiman, Tallinn University of Technology
    Dr. Soc. Sci, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing at the Tallinn University of Technology in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and visiting lecturer at the University of Lapland in Finland.


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