Solidarity economy, Social Entrepreneurship and spiritual intelligence: the vertices of social inclusion


  • Orlando Petiz Pereira Economics & Management School University of Minho Portugal Campus de Gualtar 4710-057 Braga / PORTUGAL
  • Maria Manuela Coutinho University of Fernando Pessoa



solidarity, social entrepreneurship, inclusion, spiritual intelligence, addictive behaviours and dependencies


The routes for the inclusion of people with addictive behaviours require some sort of streamlining of social entrepreneurship and organisations of the solidarity economy. Nonetheless, the deficits of social, cognitive, emotional and spiritual skills, associated with the scenarios of intervention, are time-consuming and generate a feeling of permanent wait to either individuals and families and the support structures, which guide intervention.

What are the constraints that might explain such a long wait? How to explain the lack of effectiveness of the institutions that should fuel the require intervention but rather hinder it back? These questions have inspired us to identify the constraints felt in the "domain of addictive behaviours and dependencies"(determined by specially marked groups entangled in exclusion tissues), so as to contribute to a more inclusive and solidary society where users feel embraced by empathic feelings and concern themselves with "others".

The work addresses one Centre for Integrated Responses. The database resorts to the use of all the registrations in the multidisciplinary information system and covers for the period between January and September 2018 with 954 users with active processes. The work resorts to the use of descriptive statistics.

Author Biography

  • Orlando Petiz Pereira, Economics & Management School University of Minho Portugal Campus de Gualtar 4710-057 Braga / PORTUGAL
    Economics Department


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